Hlaðhamrar Gully WI 3+

Route number A12.
Tight gully with a few mix moves.
FA: Matteo Meucci og Kristinn & Sigurjónsson, WI 3+, 30m
Crag | Múlafjall |
Sector | Hlaðhamrar |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Markings |
Route number A12.
Tight gully with a few mix moves.
FA: Matteo Meucci og Kristinn & Sigurjónsson, WI 3+, 30m
Crag | Múlafjall |
Sector | Hlaðhamrar |
Type | Ice Climbing |
Markings |
Route next of Bags and Thoughts (red line)
Yellow line in the topos
start with some mix moves (2 cams green and purple BD, possible to use the yellow higher up) then a series of icicle with a little roof to cross. All the way to the top of the ice blob. V-thread to rappel
FF Matteo Meucci 24/01/2024 20m WI5 M6
Easy gully on the extreme left (East) part of Hlaðhamrar
Going up the main gully to access to A1 the route is the gully and little higher then the ledge to access the other routes
FF Julian O’Neil and Matteo Meucci 24/01/2024
Bolted route that can be climbed full dry or with some ice on the lower part and the top but with dry moves in the middle.
Follows and open corner to get to a little roof part then a crack on the upper part , finishing with a tricky slab. Anchor on the edge of the wall (20m)
Possible to keep going all the way up the cliff on ice. Bolted anchor on the top 40m from ground
between Falki A8 and Lundi A9. Red line in the topos
bolted by Matteo Meucci 2019
FF Matteo Meucci 03/12/2023
Leið númer A11a.
Leiðin er á sama ísstefni og A11, Hollow Wall, nema alveg fremst á því á meðan Hollow Wall fer upp kverkina vinstra megin.
WI 3+, 40m.
Fyrsti landnámsmaðurinn í Botnsdal var írskur, Ávangur að nafni. Bær hans gæti hafa verið þar sem nú eru rústir Holukots.
FF: Jónas G. Sigurðsson og Matteo Meucci, 9. apríl 2020
Route number A12.
Tight gully with a few mix moves.
FA: Matteo Meucci og Kristinn & Sigurjónsson, WI 3+, 30m
Route number A11.
Short vertical wall at the start but gets easier as you go higher.
FA: Matteo Meucci & Kristinn og Sigurjónsson, WI 4, 30m
Route number A10.
Nice arette with mixed climbing at the end.
FA: Matteo Meucci & Kristinn Sigurjónsson, February 2017, WI 3, 30m
Route number A9.
Nice line on a overhanging arete. Hard start leads up to an easy mid section and then to a steep final section.
FF: Bjartur Týr, Jón Gauti og Matteo, nóvember 2017, WI 4+, 35m
Route number A8.
Narrow line in a small gully.
FA: Jón Gauti, Matteo & Bjartur Týr, November 2017, WI 3, 30m
Route number A7.
Cool line in nice surroundings. Offers a harder variant up a pillar to the right og an easy mix route to the left that leads into easy ice climbing. The day it was climbed, two rarely spotted ice climbers were seen at the carpark.
FA: Bjartur Týr, Jónas G. & Mike Reid, December 2017, WI 4, 40m
Route number A5.
The route up the middle of the ice wall, that has the least resistance. Fun rock blocks at the start that offer some interesting moves.
FA: Mike Reid, Bjartur Týr & Jónas G. December 2017, WI 3, 35m
Route number A4.
Short an nice route. This area is often full of “umbrella” formation and this line weaves between them. Can probably be WI 3 if the umbrellas form in a different way.
FA: Jónas G. Bjartur Týr & Michael Reid, December 2017, WI 3+
Route number A1.
Easy ramp at the start that leads to a short but steep pillar at the top.
FA: Matteo Meucci, Bjartur Týr & Jón Gauti, November 2017, WI 4, 30m
Route number A6.
FA. is unknown but has most likely been climbed
If anyone has any info on climbing in this sector before 22.11.16, it would be appricieted to send info to the Icelandic alpineclub.
Route number A3
climbed for the first time (in a while?) shortly after the american presidential election
FA. is unknown but has most likely been climbed
If anyone has any info on climbing in this sector before 22.11.16, it would be appricieted to send info to the Icelandic alpineclub.
Route number A2.
The route that is currently most to the left.
FA. is unknown but it is assumed that this wall has been climbed before.
If anyone has any info on climbing there before 22.11.16, if would be appriciated to send the info to the Icelandic alpine club.