Ísaðar gellur M 6

Route number F6 in the photo.

Halfbolted drytooling route like Þorskur á þurru landi (F5). Opposite of F5, this route has quite bad axe placements but good foot holds to compensate. The difficulty is roughly the same.

FA: Unknown

Crag Múlafjall
Sector Svartisteinn
Type Mix Climbing

8 related routes

Tungumál WI 2

Leið upp áberandi skoru við hliðina á F2 (Sjávarmál)

Hávamál WI 3

Route number  F1 in photo

Short waterfall that sometimes get very thick. Great warmup, short distance from the carpark and divides the hike up to the main cliffs

FA: Unknown

Sjávarmál WI 2

Route number F2 in the photo.

Short warm up route just by the carpark. Easier than Hávamál (F1)

FA: Unknown

The Seventh Life of Cats M 4

Route number F3 in the photo

Short but interesting route.


FA: Matteo Meucci & Marco Porta, May 2017. M 4, 20m

Mávamál WI 4

Route number F4 in the photo.

Water leaks down the main cliff and forms a short but steep ice fall.

FA: Unkonwn

Þorskur á þurru landi M 4

Route number F5 in the photo.

Half bolted drytooling route, bolts are only in the first half and then the rest is on traditional protection. Interesting character in this route, axe holds are usually quite good but foot holds are bad. The route is in a kind of a corner between collumns so stemming is in some parts an option.

FA: Unknown

Ísaðar gellur M 6

Route number F6 in the photo.

Halfbolted drytooling route like Þorskur á þurru landi (F5). Opposite of F5, this route has quite bad axe placements but good foot holds to compensate. The difficulty is roughly the same.

FA: Unknown

Messaguttinn M 6

Route number F7 in the photo.

Bolted top anchor above a tight crack in a small corner that has at least been climbed on top rope. The route starts in an overhanging wedge. This route can be bolted and redpointed if some one is interested. Difficulty around M6-7.

There is a slight chance this is a route by Jón Heiðar Andrésson that is called Skitið í buxurnar. Jón Heiðar on the other hand doesn’t remember this accent

FA: Unknown

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