Home › Umræður › Umræður › Keypt & selt › Dyna-Flex styrkir framhandleggsvöðvana! › Re: svar: Gyro-æfingar

Eg vil byrja á að taka undir að kústskaftið klikkar aldrei. En hins vegar mætti þess á milli nota boltann til að styrkja framhandleggsvöðvana, t.d. heima í stofu eða á skrifstofunni þegar menn komast ekki í stöngina.
Verðið er í kringum 2.950 kr.
Hérna fylgir stutt lýsing svo að menn átti sig betur á hvernig boltinn virkar:
The Original Dyna-Flex Pro Plus is designed with a high performance rotor, which can reach speeds of up to 10,000, rpm and puts out 38lbs. of torque. It also features a new „thermo band“, which aids the user in controlling this powerhouse. The Dyna-Flex Pro Plus was designed not only to be user friendly but to aid in sports rehabilitation and conditioning of the lower arm. It is being used for carpal tunnel syndrome, by musicians, for improving performance in sports, as well as, helping in repetitive stress for computer terminal operators.