Home › Umræður › Umræður › Ís- og alpaklifur › Nýjar ísleiðir 2010-2011 › Re: Ný ísleið: Nóvember

Nóg af óklifruðum leiðum á suðausturlandi ennþá.
Route name: Nóvember
Grade and length: WI 4 – 70 meters
Date of first ascent: 14/11 2010
Climbers: Óskar Arason and Einar R. Sigurðsson
Area: Mýrar west of Höfn in southeast Iceland
Location: This route is in the first obvious frozen line that you see in the mountain you look at when you drive west across Hornafjarðarfljót bridge (hossubrúin). The best way to get to the route is to turn off the main road at the west end of the bridge, and drive few hundred meters on the road that goes to Svínafell in Nes. There are several unclimbed routes on the right side of this route.
Description: We climbed the route in 3 short picthes. Stöllótt leið. The ice was beautiful but not much of it. Probably this route will be 3rd grade when there is plenty of ice.
Reported by: einar@oraefaferdir.is