Hvannadalshnjúkur, NA hryggur?

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    Okkur barst nýlega svohljóðandi skeyti:

    “Dear Icelandic mountaineers

    We’ve just come back from a great trip to your country. As we’re very much into mountaineering, Hvannadalshnúkur was on our itinerary and we climbed it – after taking a look at its different slopes and faces – on a route that appeared to be the most interesting and beautiful one to us. So we would like to recommend it to you.

    The Route has been climbed by Kai Maluck and Patrick Butz on August 20th, 2007. Height: 200m. Difficulty: 50/55° (bergschrund steeper). Approach the glacier plateau south of Hvannadalshnúkur by any of the ordinary ascent routes, then pass the rocky East Face of the mountain and turn left to reach the North Face. Cross its bergschrund as far east as possible, climb to the NE-ridge and follow it to the summit.

    It would be great, if you could inform us whether the route already existed … and tell us if (/when) a mountaineering guidebook on Iceland is (/will be) published. It was really difficult to plan a mountaineering trip to your country without …

    Yours sincerely

    Kai Maluck”

    Myndir fylgdu að auki en ég get ekki sent þær á spjallþráðinn.

    Hvað sem því líður langar mig til að spyrja menn hvort þeir kannist við þessa leið.



    Ég held að ég og Florian Piper hafi klifrað nokkurnveginn þessa leið síðsumars 1997. Við lögðum upp fast norðan við klettana og það var brattast að fara yfir jaðarsprunguna til að byrja með. Svo var þetta auðklifraður gamall jökulís sem var ágætt að skrúfa ísskrúfur í. Ertu til í að forwarda bréfið frá þeim á mig á einar@hofsnes.com

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