Björgun fyrir Scott og Kyle

Home Forums Umræður Ís- og alpaklifur Björgun fyrir Scott og Kyle

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    Kyle Dempster og Scott Adamson eru týndir á Ogre í Pakistan. Við félagarnir upplifðum hvernig er að vera svona langt frá nokkrum sem gæti hjálpað okkur fyrir 10 árum í Hindu Kush í noður Pakistan. Hvet þá sem eru aflögufærir um eitthvað smotterí að leggja sitt af mörkum svo hægt sé að leita þeirra. Veit að ég hefði verið til í að einhver hefði leitað af okkur ef við hefðum lent í vandræðum.

    We need your help getting Scott and Kyle off of a mountain in Pakistan…

    Early on Sunday, August 21, Kyle Dempster and Scott Adamson started up the North Face of the Ogre 2, just off the Choktoi Glacier in northern Pakistan. They planned on five days for the climb and descent. .On Monday evening, their Pakistani cook, Ghafoor Abdul, spotted their headlamps roughly halfway up the peak. The weather remained good until Tuesday afteroon (8/23/16), when a storm moved in. Snowfall and cloudy conditions have persisted in the region since then.

    Kyle and Scott have not been seen since Monday, August 22, no surprise given the complexity and scale of the terrain and the vagaries of the weather. On Sunday, August 28, family and friends initiated a search and rescue effort, assisted by local authorities and another climbing team on the Choktoi.

    Please help these boys. Death is eminent if we cannot help. With the initiation of the Search and Resuce we have also been required to transfer money for the helicopter rescue and porters on foot in search of Scott and Kyle. With the unreliable weather we are needing more money everyday. Please consider the urgency of this situation and how thankful we are for your help.

    Help spread the word!


    Um að gera að styrkja þetta málefni.

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