Kerlingareldur null

All info is from the guidebook Kerlingareldur by Sigurður Tómas Þórisson

The route Kerlingareldur is in the mountain Kerling (1.114m) that separates Svarfaðadalur and Skíðadalur in the Tröllaskagi peninsula next tothe fjord Eyjafjörður. The route is in the front of a dike ( inside a cirque between the mountains Stóll and Kerling, and it is clearly visable from the town Dalvík.

The walk starts from the farm Melar in Svarfaðadalur, but to there is a 10-15 min drive from Dalvík. The walk up to the cirque takes a lilltle bit more than one hour and the walk in the cirque, up the snowslope and to the dike about the same. It’s recomended to take an iceaxe with you and listen carefully for rockfall, wich is different depending on the circumstances and time of year. Another thing to keep in mind is avalance danger, specially early in the summer. Best is to take at least two half ropes and a single traditional rack. Small cams come in handy. Some of the pitches are long so it pays of to take plenty of slings and quickdraws. It’s also nice to have some pitons to make a temporary anchor, not a lot of places for gear above the snow slope.

1. pitch. 5.5, 35m
Starts in front of the dike in decent holds and gear, up to a slab with a small traverse to the right in the end. Here you will have to make a belay with your own gear, no bolts.

2. pitch. 5.7, 25m
Above the slab the climbing becomes steeper. There you have two gutters side by side. Caution, there are a few loose flakes in the gutters! Ends in a little zik-zak above the gutters to an obvious ledge with two bolts.

3. pitch. 5.6, 30m
Go straight up for 5m, up loose flakes in to a big gutter and on up 10m to the left edge of the dike. on the other side of the corner you have 15m long 1-2m wide but steep balconys, with decent holds up to a two bolt belay.

4. pitch. 5.9, 20m
Straight up a steep section to the right of the belay on very iffy holds for 5-6m, here is a bolt for the hardest and most unbelayable section. Above this section is easyer climbing on a slab to a two blot belay

5. pitch. 5.8, 35m
This pitch is the most serious in the route and follows upp the last section to the edge in worse rock than in other places in the route. The pitch starts in tricky but fun flakes up to a leaning ledge half way up. Here it is tricky to place gear and you have to be carefull not to pull to hard on the flakes, because some of them are very loose.

The original edition of the route is to go of the leaning ledge above the flakes to the right edge of the dike. There are two permanent pitons up the hardest and most unbelayable section. It is also possible to go to the far left on the leaning ledge into a steep corner under a small roof. The corner is climbed up to the roof and then traversed to the left around it. Above this section is a big ledge and a little zik-zak gets you up the final section approx 4m to a big ledge with two bolts

6. pitch. 10-15m
From the belay is 10-15m scramble to the top of the dike. The top is very exposed and full of loose rocks so it is best to place gear on the way up there.

After checking out the view it is best to back down again and rappell down in three 40-60m rappells.
•From top of pitch 5 to top of pitch 4
•From top of pitch 4 to top of pitch 2
•From top of pitch 2 to the snow slope

Or follow the red arrow marked N for down

Crag Tröllaskagi
Sector Kerling
Type Alpine


Krossfesting WI 4+

Route number 4 in the photo

WI 4+ 120m

In Kirkjubólshvilft there are approximatly 7 possible lines to climb, not entirely certain which ones have been climbed.

Kirkjubólshvilft is a known avalance area, once there was an avalance that fell from the circe and down to Funi, the towns junkyard. So check out the snowpack at some point.

FA: Bjartur Týr Ólafsson and Jónas G. Sigurðsson, the Good Friday 2016

Crag Ísafjarðardjúp
Sector Kirkjubólshvilft
Type Ice Climbing

H&M WI 5+

Hægra meginn við B4 – Upprisa Svínanna.

Leiðin H&M var fyrst klifruð á Ísklifurfestivali Ísalp 2016. Leiðin var klifruð í 4 spönnum og er merkt með grænu á myndinni. Leiðin Upprisa Svínanna er merkt með gulu.

FF. Matteo Meucci og Halldór Fannar

Crag Kaldakinn
Sector Girnd
Type Ice Climbing


Rolling stones WI 4+

The first route in amazing cliffs between Svínafellsjökull glacier and Mt. Svínafell. Here is a big potencial for new world class routes in beautifull setting.

Approach: left the car at svinafells farm and we follow a path crossing the moraine of the glacier and then we walked in the frozen lagoon until reaching the line. 40min
Can be possible to approach from „batman “ access and then try to find a way trough the ridges.
descent: rappel or exit the gully and then turn right and try to follow the path to back to the farm. There is a big gully at some point with a big wooden bridge, TRY TO FIND IT!!! after that is just heading to the farm

FF: Matteo Meucci and Hlynur Sigurjonsson 7/3/2016, 110m

Crag Öræfi, Vestur
Sector Secret lagoon
Type Ice Climbing

Break a window WI 4

Red line in the photo

Approach about 45min, from Skaftafell visitor center and on to Skaftafellsjökull.
WI 4, 70m

Rumor has it, that this line has been climbed before. Untill someone else claims the first accent it will be logged liked this.

FF: Hlynur sigurjonsson, kiddi sigurjonsson, matteo meucci on the 5/03/2016

Crag Öræfi, Vestur
Sector Skaftafellsjökull
Type Ice Climbing

Pinnacle Club / BMC International Womens Climbing Meet

Mynd frá BMC International Winter Meet 2016. Það var of hlýtt í fjöllunum fyrstu daganna svo leitað var til strandarinnar í dótaklifur.
Mynd frá BMC International Winter Meet 2016. Það var of hlýtt í fjöllunum fyrstu daganna svo leitað var til strandarinnar í dótaklifur.

Íslenska Alpaklúbbnum hefur boðist að senda tvo meðlimi á einstakan viðburð í Bretlandseyjum 12.-19. júní næstkomandi. Kvennaklifurfélag Bretlands The Pinnacle heldur í samstarfi við The British Mountaineering Council alþjóðlegt dótaklifur festival í Llanberis Pass, einum þekktasta klettaklifurvettvangi Bretlands. Þetta er kjörið tækifæri fyrir konur sem vilja læra meira í klettaklifri og sér í lagi dótaklifri þar sem bretar eru einna þekktastir fyrir dótaklifur.

Alþjóðleg klifurfestivöl eru líka einstök tækifæri til að kynnast klifrurum frá öðrum löndum en þar koma saman klifrarar frá öllum heimshornum, aldursflokkum og hæfileikastigum. Festivalið stendur yfir í 6 daga og verður gist í klifurskálanum Ynys Ettws Hut sem er í eigu The Pinnacle. Klifrað verður alla daga ef veður leyfir og að venju þá er erlendum klifrurum parað með breskum sem þekkja svæðið. Bresku klifrararnir eru þó ekki leiðsögumenn heldur klifurfélagar og eru ákvarðanir um klifurleiðir teknar í sameiningu sem og klifrið sjálft. Í lokin er svo haldið gott partí.

Mælt er með því að umsækjendur hafi reynslu af náttúrulegum bergtryggingum og að setja upp akkeri. Haldið verður kliník í því fyrsta morguninn á festivalinu en betra er að koma ekki alveg af fjöllum í þeim efnum.

Umsóknir skulu berast fyrir 26. mars og endilega hafið samband ef óskað er eftir frekari upplýsingum.

Hér er blog um seinasta alþjóðlega kvennafestivalið árið 1984 og myndband frá seinasta alþjóðlega dótaklifurfestivali BMC árið 2013